Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Jan. 25, 2012, 9:29 a.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Song Author
Billie Joe
File Size
50 KB
Some-thing's on my mind
It's been for quite some time
This time I'm on to you
So where's the oth-er face
The face I heard be-fore
Your head trip's bor- ing me
Let's nuke the bridge we torched two thou- sand times be-fore
This time we'll blast it all to hell
I've had this burn-ing in my guts now for so long
My bel-ly's ach-ing now to say
Stuck down in a rut
Of dis-log-ic and smut
A side of you well hid
When it's all said and done
It's real and it's been fun
But was it all real fun
Let's nuke the bridge we torched two thou- sand times be-fore
This time we'll blast it all to hell
I've had this burn-ing in my guts now for so long
My bel-ly's ach-ing now to say
To say
You're just a fuck
I can't ex-plain it cause I think you suck
I'm tak-ing pride
In tell-ing you to fuck off and die
I've had this burn-ing in my guts now for so long
My bel-ly's ach-ing now to say
I'm tak-ing plea-sure in the doubts I've passed to you
So lis-ten up as you bite this
You're just a fuck
I can't ex-plain it cause I think you suck
I'm tak-ing pride
In tell-ing you to fuck off and die